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Dutch Shandong Chamber of Commerce

DSCC Move Forward!




荷兰山东商会,英文名称 Dutch Shandong Chamber of Commerce简称DSCC) 是由在荷兰的山东籍企业家发起召集,于2019625日在荷兰鹿特丹市注册成立的一家非盈利性社团组织成员主要由来自中荷学术界、企业界、法律界、金融界、传媒界等各界人士组成。




Introduction of Dutch Shandong Chamber of Commerce

Dutch Shandong Chamber of Commerce (DSCC) is a fully independent non-profit association initiated by Shandong-based entrepreneurs in Rotterdamthe Netherlands on the 25th of June, 2019. DSCC is composed of both Chinese and Dutch professionals from cross sectors, including agriculture, medical, electrical industry, Oil & Gas and renewable energy, creative industry, legal & finance, higher education and HR.

DSCC actively promotes commercial and information exchanges between the Shandong Province of China and the Netherlands. It aims to create a platform for companies and talents from the Shandong province to develop, grow andsuccessfully integrate into the local society. DSCC not only assists Shandong enterprises and people to land in the Netherlands but also provides support for Dutch companies to invest in Shandong. We continue developing the member network and provide benefit from our invaluable relationships with China and NL government, EU, public-private enterprises, councils, chambers, customs, employers organizations and NGO’s.

 With a vision to make a difference and help you grow your business, DSCC aims to increase your presence in both China and NL and simply makes doing business easier and more successful.



2024年2月4日,德国山东商会换届庆典暨春节招待会在德国法兰克福举行。当天,高朋满座、宾客如云。中国驻法兰克福总领馆伍鹏飞副总领事、德国联邦经济发展与外贸协会黑森州及法兰克福地区首席代表威尔克荣誉博士(Dr.h.c Manfred F....

荷兰山东商会举行理事会换届暨2024迎新春联谊会 常文佳连任第二届会长

玉兔辞旧岁,金龙迎新春!2024年2月3日,在这个辞旧迎新的美好时刻,以“话乡情、聚合力、肩并肩、向未来”为主题的“荷兰山东商会理事会换届暨2024迎新春联谊会”在乌特勒支成功举行。有关领导嘉宾、商会会员企业代表齐聚一堂,共贺新春,共叙情谊,共谋发展。  ...


山东省海外交流协会第七届会员代表大会,暨2023年山东海外侨团联谊大会、第七期山东海外侨团负责人研习活动于12月11日至14日在山东济南、滨州、东营等地成功举行。荷兰山东商会会长常文佳受邀参加本次活动。  ...

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